Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Open Book

Wondered why I named this blog Open book? Neither did I when I started it. Then a few days ago I wrote this poem which coincidentally also explains the blog name. Well the first part is not exactly a poem, but I don't write poems anyway so it doesn't matter.

Life is an Open Book Exam.
The Lesson is always there- right in front of my eyes.
Written on the face of every person I meet, scattered across my thoughts;
etched in every probe of my conscience,
hidden in every experience,
in every obvious and cryptic coincidence, in every twist of fate.
Scattered across my dreams; in lecture rooms, rain drops, and those pure delightful rays of sunlight.
Across every conversation and every confession.
In everything that went wrong and everything that went just right.
In every pang of guilt or envy, in every feeling of love.
In every insult and every hurt.
In every friend who stabbed and every friendship that could have been but wasn't...

(and now the bit that actually rhymes)

The hard part is to follow,
To do what I know is right.
To have faith in my instincts,
and not give up the fight.

But it's hard to keep the faith
in something I can't see.
Like in God or in the future,
whatever it may be.

What I need is inspiration-
perpetual as the sun.
To always come remind me
of all things to be done.

In search of such a brilliance
so far, I have been fruitless.
Although these diamonds in my path
surely can't be useless?

For inspiration is not found
in great epics or great tales.
It lies in the smallest things in life,
"God lies in the details"


Keith Mascarenhas said...

Sweet dude! Keep em comin! :)

Mithrandir said...

hahhaa the part that rhymes classic ...
dude i told u wer goooood hahahaa u rap ur rhymes alex

Natalia said...

Chandan there need not always be rhymes in a poem, The earlier part is also a good poem. It amazing that you think so deeply at so young an age. I have found some much needed inspiration right here. It is indeed hard to do what is right and to not lose faith but accidental reminders like your poem make it easier. I like!

Natalia said...

Chandan there need not always be rhymes in a poem, The earlier part is also a good poem. It amazing that you think so deeply at so young an age. I have found some much needed inspiration right here. It is indeed hard to do what is right and to not lose faith but accidental reminders like your poem make it easier. I like!