Monday, December 1, 2008

The Terrorists Within

‘Terrorists’ are far more abundant than one might think.
I believe that every dominating or aggressive act aimed at inducing fear for the purpose of asserting authority, gaining respect, profit or revenge is an act of terrorism. So logically, every bully in school is a terrorist and so is every politician making inflammatory speeches.

When this guy said, “I’ll break the arms and legs of anyone who dares to get in the path of my party workers”, people actually clapped and cheered. A few days ago I had seen those very oh-so-noble party workers beating up any and every shopkeeper they came across, in order to force them to shut shop- all for the purpose of ‘showing them who’s boss’. If that’s not terrorism, I don’t know what is.

It’s not the fault of those monkey-see-monkey-do workers though. Heck it’s not even the fault of their twisted leaders. It’s our fault.

Some idiot comes and shouts, “Hey, those people are bad. It’s all their fault. Don’t let them come here and dominate us!” And off we go running behind him, thrashing people and bad-mouthing communities, never sparing a thought as to who is actually being dominated by whom.
We must stop being the puppets of these power hungry politicians. They will say and do just about anything it takes to convince us that they are right. It is our duty to stand firm and let our conscience decide, based in all available facts. These people will only use us and throw us, gaining more power in the meantime.

Let us stop being blindly led by these people, otherwise what is the difference between us and herd animals?

The military will always be there to protect us from armed terrorists, but the above-mentioned form of terrorism will not be gone until we start acting less like cowardly baboons and more like courageous men who do not need to be spoon-fed what is right for them.

Unless we learn to stand on our own feet and stop tolerating these political bullies, we have no right to teach the government or anybody else what they should do.


Unknown said...

Right chandan. but very few understand it. most of them r swayed by power hungry politicians.

Mithrandir said...

what is the difference between us and herd animals?
what makes you think we are so different from animals...we are not a species apart just coz we know how to use toilet paper...

at the end of the day [u knew this was coming...]
you have to come to terms with a weird alternative...
suppose you were at cst ...and suppose instead of trying to am scram when the idiots started firing ..what if you were able to stand up and through your example others did the same....then even though you or mebbe 45 people died ..just before the next reload of the gun you were able to stop the 2 terrorists...think of the live you have saved...karkare,amte,and so'nt that worth fighting for,is'nt that worth dying for ?

how many thackery's or bush's would lead like that ...i know of only a few people who have tried and hence become the prime example of humanity....

Keith Mascarenhas said...

Very true Chandan. It's our fault. But then there is the excuse that there isn't any "ideal" candidate to vote for, and so, (only so that we aren't accused of not exercising our right to vote), we vote for the least-undeserving candidate.
But then, I remember listening to a young lady on TV (during the terror attack) saying, that, "if that(the above mentioned case) was the case, I don't mind standing up and participating in polls as a candidate. All the rest of you who agree with the initiative can be my party members and we can form something like an ultra-democratic party."
I found the concept really inspiring, but then it requires someone to come forward and take the initiative. But sadly there aren't any!

Mithrandir said...

and the sadder thing is that ..instead if encouraging the budding talent ...i heard on the radio of a group of youth who tried to make ..a democratic party but they are being stalled while registration of their tape ..go figure...this is one of the many reasons of why we shy away from ..coming forward...

^RoOhAnI^ said...

Because it's easier to go with the flow than to stand firm. And people choose the easier way out, every time.
It's their fault, and ours too if we join in, no doubt.