A little piece I'd written as my 'about me' on orkut some time back-
Funny how your life gains meaning one moment and loses it the next.
And the more you dig, the harder and seemingly more pointless it gets. But its like Aragorn says,"There's always Hope". Because the time will come when you see the bigger picture-realize that in the end, everything always makes sense. You come to know that even the worst experiences have something to teach; and that the way you realize the true value of happiness is through pain,as of trust through betrayal, and of life through a brush with death. And slowly, very slowly,life begins to unfold, as you begin to see the world as a whole and not in parts- in countries, cultures, men, mentalities, and points of view...
farmula is d password is all i gotta say :P
They say old people have this kind of wisdom, that they know what life is really all about. Guess u've figured it all out already ;)
@Roohani : Come on! It's been 2 decades. Should have learnt something by now!
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